About Us
We are your hometown Credit Union
About Us
When you become a Diversified General Federal Credit Union member, you become part of everything we do to improve the quality of your financial life. From our employees friendly smiles to smart tips on how you can get the most from your membership, our goal is to build lifetime financial relationships by offering quality products and services that help you reach your financial goals.
One in thirteen people in Cass County already belong to Diversified General Federal Credit Union. In many parts of the County we are known simply as “the credit union”, thanks to our outstanding service, our convenience, our great rates, our low fees, and a wide variety of services. Diversified General Federal Credit Union is a cooperative financial institution owned by its members, and managed by a seasoned, professional Management Team and is overseen by a dedicated group of member volunteers that make up our Board of Directors and Supervisory Committee, Diversified General Federal Credit Union, like all federal credit unions, is regulated by the National Credit Union Administration (NCUA). As a Diversified General Federal Credit Union member, you help choose the volunteer Board of Directors each year at the Annual Meeting.
Diversified General Federal Credit Union is led by an all-volunteer Board of Directors that is elected by the membership to serve and uphold the financial values and standards established by their fellow members. Read more about our Board of Directors.
The Credit Union is federally chartered by the NCUA, and is federally insured up to $250,000.00 by the NCUA.

What is a Credit Union?
A credit union is a member-owned, not-for-profit, cooperative financial institution.
Federal credit unions are chartered and supervised by the National Credit Union Administration (NCUA). Through this federal agency, savings in federal and most state-chartered credit unions are insured by the National Credit Union Share Insurance Fund (NCUSIF), a federal fund backed by the United States government. The funds in some credit unions are privately insured.
Field of Membership
In 1966, our field of membership was very limited to certain local businesses. In 2002, there was a formal request to add persons who live, work, worship, or go to school in, and businesses, and other legal entities located in the Underserved Area in Cass County, Indiana. Our credit union grows through the addition of groups with a common bond such as businesses, associations or schools. These groups are called Select Employee Groups, or SEGs. We have multiple SEG partners representing many of our members. Employees of General Tire & Rubber Company, who worked in Logansport or Peru. Employees of Matthew Warren (formerly known as Rockwell.) Members of Local #4863 and Local # 3261 of the United Steelworkers of America in Logansport, and Local # 6982 of the United Steelworkers of America in Monticello. Employees of those Locals listed above. Employees of Carter Fuel (formerly known as Federal Mogul Corporation.) Employees of Comcast Communications (formerly known as Sammons Communications, Inc.) of Logansport. Employees of Sondra Knutson Law Firm of Logansport. Members of immediate family or household of these employees are also eligible for membership.
Diversified General Federal Credit Union is a financial cooperative that requires membership. You may join Diversified General Federal Credit Union if you live, work, worship, or attend school in select areas of Logansport, Indiana.

Diversified General Federal Credit Union was started in 1966 by General Tire Employees.
General Tire Logansport Employees Federal Credit Union name was changed to Diversified General Federal Credit Union.
Credit Union offices were moved to East Broadway
We went through a major remodel and had a Drive-up built.
We added a double sided ATM kiosk.
We were founded in 1966
Diversified General Federal Credit Union was started in 1966 by General Tire Employees.
In 1985, the General Tire Logansport Employees Federal Credit Union name was changed to Diversified General Federal Credit Union.
As a member-owned financial institution, we exist solely to improve the financial well-being of the members. Credit Unions promote thrift, and income is passed along to its members in the form of higher dividends on savings accounts, lower interest on loans, or new and improved services.
The Credit Union started in a tiny office in the factory. We later moved to our own office located on 4th Street. And finally, we came to East Broadway in 1998.
In 2015, we went through a major remodel and had a Drive-up built.
In 2021, we added a double sided ATM kiosk.
USA PATRIOT Act Information
To help the government fight the funding of terrorism and money laundering activities, Federal law requires all financial institutions to obtain, verify and record information that identifies each person who opens an account. What this means for you: When you open an account, we will ask you for your legal name, place of residence, mailing address, date of birth, social security number and other information that will allow us to identify you. We will also ask to see your driver’s license and/or other identifying documents.